Thursday, February 9, 2012

Long time gone!

We are still alive and driving mommy and daddy crazy. Just sayin'!

Friday, October 14, 2011


Well, since we didn't have a full fall break, we decided to have Disney world at our house. I dressed up as a princess and then Bekah dressed up as a princess. Mommy got some really good pictures for sure.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

cleanin up

Bekah and I like to do some dishes. We don't actually get many dishes clean but we try drinking out of a lot of containers. I don't understand why Mommy and Daddy have to wash the dishes before and after we wash them. HMMMMMM. I have asked Mommy to begin my Christmas list. Although she says one thing I have asked for just can't happen. I want a real baby to call Jesus. Mommy doesn't think that she can get that for me. Wonder why!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Bathing Beauty

I am really getting into the bubble baths, or baffs, as I like to call them. My favorite flavor is grape. I can make all sorts of accessories with the bubbles. This is a part of my fall collection.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Grams to the Rescue

Thank you Grams for rescueing me from a boring Saturday at home. We went to an art festival. I got to make a sand art dolphin. The coolest thing though was a very old and very big hedge apple tree. I really liked climbing on it. Yaya and Bekah climbed too but I was the best.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

It's Been Awhile

What can I say? Sissy and I are cute. Just enjoy the pic.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Sissy in disguise

No, it isn't Halloween. Bekah doesn't have an oreo beard for a costume. She was just excited about eating oreos! I think she looked quite funny and we laughed and laughed about it. I think she is going to be a tinkerbell fairy or something like that for Halloween. I keep hovering between ideas but I thinking about being Phineas and making Sissy be Ferb.